Friday, August 6, 2010

July 25, 2010 (deux)

12:12 AM
I stopped crying. Im also listening to a different song right now. Im listening to “Lavinia” by The Veils. I love this song. I just heard it yesterday but I love it. It makes me, I don’t even know what it makes me but I like it a lot. There are so many things I could say about this song. Like the vocals are amazing, they just rip at your heart on so many levels. For some reason I don’t want to be happy tonight. I want to feel really sad. Like shit even. Im strange at times. 

* I tend to write a lot of stuff at night because I don't sleep very well. And I tend to write in little spurts but I don't like to put them together because I think they look neater this way.

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