Thursday, August 19, 2010

Attractive Today

What makes a person physically attractive? When was it decided that a person has to look a certain way to be beautiful or handsome? I feel as though the physical appearance of things is taken way to far. I mean I have no room to talk because I wake up every morning and put on makeup because that makes me feel more comfortable with myself. But who is anyone to judge anyones physical appearance. What really bothers me is this: Lets say you’re meeting a person for the first time and they say to you: “Wow you’re so gorgeous,”. How do they know that? Like what are they basing your attractiveness off of? Like the most beautiful person in the world can have the worst personality. And I believe that if you have a lovely personality you could have one eye and still be beautiful inside and out. I personally to don’t find myself “pretty” or “beautiful” and I think that because I know more about my faults than anyone else does. I know myself a lot better then the people who call me “pretty” or “cute”. 
I can say that I only know a handful of people who are truly beautiful to me, and by beautiful I mean that they are not only physically attractive but there personalities only add to that factor. But I truly don’t have a clue about things like this, because I find people with quirky things about them more attractive then the cookie-cutter “beautiful” people. Like for example I really like it when people have crooked noses, I don’t know why. I just do. (Owen Wilson’s nose is a perfect example). 

    I am wrecked. I am overblown.
    I am also fed up with the fucking common cold!
    When I just want to feel alive for the first time in my life,
I just want to feel attractive today.

Attractive Today
-Motion City Soundtrack

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